Using record_count my query looked something like this:
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT row_number() over(order by as rowNum ,S.siteId ,S.code , ,S.roleBitMask ,R.description as regionDescription ,R.regionId FROM Site S INNER JOIN Region R ON R.regionID = S.regionId WHERE S.deleted = 0 ) AS List WHERE rowNum between 1 and 25This query worked great, however it was leaving out one very important piece of information: the record count. I did not want to make another call to the db to get the record count so a few minutes of research brought me to this solution:
WITH List AS ( SELECT row_number() over(order by as rowNum ,S.siteId ,S.code , ,S.roleBitMask ,R.description as regionDescription ,R.regionId FROM Site S INNER JOIN Region R ON R.regionID = S.regionId WHERE S.deleted = 0 ), ListRecordCount AS ( SELECT * FROM List ,(SELECT MAX(rowNum) AS recordCount FROM List) AS recordCount ) SELECT * FROM ListRecordCount WHERE rowNum between 1 and 25Now I'm only pulling 25 rows from the database at a time, and I'm getting a record count! All that is left is to use ColdFusion to pass in my start and end rows and to pass in different order by clauses as well.
Here is what my final code looks like:
<cfquery name="local.GetSiteListQuery" datasource="#variables.datasource#"> WITH List AS ( SELECT row_number() over(ORDER BY <cfif arguments.SiteListView.GetSortBy() neq ""> #arguments.SiteListView.GetSortBy()# <cfelse> </cfif> #arguments.SiteListView.GetSortOrder()#) as rowNum ,S.siteId ,S.code , ,S.roleBitMask ,R.description as regionDescription ,R.regionId FROM Site S INNER JOIN Region R ON R.regionID = S.regionId <cfif arguments.SiteListView..GetSiteView().GetRegionId() neq 0> AND R.regionId = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#arguments.SiteListView.GetSiteView().GetRegionId()#"> </cfif> WHERE S.deleted = 0 <cfif arguments.SiteListView..GetSiteView().GetCode() neq ""> AND S.code = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#arguments.SiteListView.GetSiteView().GetCode()#"> </cfif> <cfif arguments.SiteListView..GetSiteView().GetSiteId() neq 0> AND S.siteId <> <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#arguments.SiteListView..GetSiteView().GetSiteId()#"> </cfif> <cfif arguments.SiteListView.GetStartRow() neq 0> AND S.siteId > <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#arguments.SiteListView.GetStartRow()#"> </cfif> ), ListRecordCount AS ( SELECT * FROM List, (SELECT MAX(rowNum) AS recordCount FROM List) AS recordCount ) SELECT * FROM ListRecordCount WHERE rowNum BETWEEN <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#arguments.SiteListView.GetStartRow()#"> AND <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#arguments.SiteListView.GetStartRow() + variables.recordsPage#"> </cfquery>
Here's the proof that the optimized paging query works much, much faster (click on the images for a full sized version that will show you the execution times better):