
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Indiana Jones and the Temple of DOM Slides

I recently gave a talk at ThatConference 2013 titled "Indiana Jones and the Temple of DOM" in which I received a lot of requests to share the slides from attendees so I figured I'd share them with everyone.  I'll likely turn this into a video that I'll post online but until I get to that please enjoy the slides here:

I'd also love to hear your feedback and suggestions how I could make it better!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sessions I'm Excited to See at ThatConference 2013

With ThatConference right around the corner I thought I'd share what sessions I'm excited about attending.  There is a ton of great content to choose from so making my decisions was quite hard.   I ended up going with with a focus on Angular JS and CSS.

What sessions are you most looking forward to?  
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DOM
How could I expect people to want to come to my presentation if I wasn't excited about it myself. I think I've put together a pretty fun presentation that I hope everyone will enjoy.
Angular JS Crash Course
Ian Muir
I've been learning a lot of Ember.js lately and I'm very happy with it, however it seems like a lot of people are turning to Angular lately. I'm really looking forward to seeing what Angular has to offer.
Tubing Down the Asset Pipeline in Node.js
Jacob Gable
I've used Node for a few things, however, I'd love to learn a lot more about it.
**JavaScript broke my heart. And then I met AngularJS.
Joe Eams
While I'm sad that there are no Ember talks at ThatConference, I'm glad that I'll get to take a longer look at Angular. Perhaps I'm missing something and I'll fall in love with it as much as everybody else after I see more of it.
Front End Legos: Better Design with Reusable HTML & CSS
Shay Howe
I've been spending a lot of time properly learning CSS lately. That means less hacks and more of being able to understand and explain what I'm doing. This means immersing myself into CSS as much as I can so this one is a no-brainer for me.
**Adventures in CSS: Advanced Techniques for a Fabulous Front-End
Amelia Marschall-Miller
This one sounds really fun! It sounds like I'm going to learn a lot from this session and hopefully bring back some new tools to use.
Laniard schmaniard! Spruce Up Your Existing Website With HTML5, CSS3, and Responsive Design
Wolf Loescher, Bertine Buchan
Responsive design is so hot right now. I know enough about it, and have worked on a few responsive sites, but I can always learn more. This session